Of Palletes & Windows & Flow Control
Chuck Pelto
2007-01-13 18:28:24 UTC
How does one manage control of activities between a floating window,
e.g., a pallete, and the document window where the work is being done?

Case in point....

Working with a graphic-esque document window and having a floating
window as a pallete for tools.

When you click on a tool in the pallete, how does one get back to the
document window, without having to click on it?

Or does that happen automatically?


Arnaud Nicolet
2007-01-13 19:06:56 UTC
Post by Chuck Pelto
How does one manage control of activities between a floating
window, e.g., a pallete, and the document window where the work is
being done?
Case in point....
Working with a graphic-esque document window and having a floating
window as a pallete for tools.
When you click on a tool in the pallete, how does one get back to
the document window, without having to click on it?
Or does that happen automatically?
A floating window is always on top of document windows. If you click
on a floating window (on a control that does not take the focus),
your document window will still be in front, no need to re-activate it.
2007-01-13 23:49:06 UTC
You can also refer to the window you want to work with as Window(0),
Window(1), etc. Window(0) is always the top window, Window(1) the one
behind it, and so on.

I think you can even use the windows handle, if needed.
Lars Jensen
2007-01-14 21:46:02 UTC
Post by Chuck Pelto
How does one manage control of activities between a floating window,
e.g., a pallete, and the document window where the work is being done?
I've tried a few different approaches to this in RB. The one I like
best (so far) uses a small set of shared methods that I implement for
each palette window class. Here they are for my ToolsPalette class:


Shared Function InstanceThatIsOpen() As ToolsPalette

// If an instance of this class is open, return it.
// Otherwise return nil.

for i as integer = 0 to WindowCount-1

if Window(i) isA ToolsPalette then
return ToolsPalette(Window(i))
end if

next i

return nil

End Function


Shared Sub InvalidateClients()

// This routine should be called when client availability for
// this window has changed. Typically this is done when a
// document window has been deactivated or closed, or when
// this palette window has just been opened.

dim Instance as ToolsPalette = InstanceThatIsOpen

if Instance <> nil then
Instance.UpdateControls // a palette-specific update method
end if

End Sub


Shared Function IsOpenAndFrontmost() As boolean

// Returns true if the window is "in use"; that is, like
// the function name says, if it's open and it is the
// frontmost palette.
// Typically used for deciding whether to put a check
// mark next to a Window menu item for this palette.

dim Instance as ToolsPalette = InstanceThatIsOpen

return (Instance <> nil) and (Instance = Window(0))



Shared Sub Toggle()

// If the window is open and frontmost, close it.
// Otherwise, open it if needed and make it frontmost.
// Typically used to handle a user selection of the
// corresponding menu item.

dim Instance as ToolsPalette = InstanceThatIsOpen

if Instance = nil then
Instance = new ToolsPalette // make a new one if we didn't have one

elseif IsOpenAndFrontmost then

Instance.Show // makes it frontmost

end if

End Sub


The first routine is used by the others, which are called from various
external events as described in the comments. For instance, my
document window class has this method:

Private Sub UpdatePalettes()


End Sub

This method is called by the Activate, Deactivate, and Close events
for my document window class, so that when the active document window
changes, all relevant palettes will get notified if they are open.
(You'd probably want to be more careful about updates if you were
doing a potentially CPU-intenstive task like typing in an EditField
and updating the word count, for instance.)

If you're not familiar with RB shared methods, they are methods in a
class that are called without reference to a particular instance of
the class. If you're using a version of RB that doesn't support shared
methods, you can implement these methods in modules instead. I like
them as part of the class simply because it means fewer RB code chunks
to keep track of.

Apart from the class name, the set of methods is identical for every
palette window class. Thus if RB had macros, it would allow
implementation of these routines with one line of code per palette
window class. OO purists will scoff at this notion, and doubtless
offer their own suggestions for making things even cleaner and
eliminating the small dependencies that remain here. I can't wait...

